Love is beneath,
All of creation.
It sets stars in order,
And coalesces nations.
Love is the Source,
Of all movement and motion.
If we are the wave,
Then Love is the Ocean.
Love is the Mother,
That births all there is.
Love is the Parent,
All things are Her kids.
Love is the Father,
That raises His young.
Equips us for Life,
Teaches where we’re from.
Love is the Substance,
The Light of the World.
Igniting the hearts,
In each boy and girl.
Love is the Water,
That cleanses all things.
No matter how stained,
Love makes it clean.
Love is the Vine,
All things branch from.
Love is the Core,
In It all are One.
Love is the Source,
Of all beauty and magic.
The mystery that’s Love,
You’re meant to have it.