
Streams of Insight

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7: 38

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Consider the following: There was a man that lived in a forest under the rule of a king who himself was beneath …

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The Pure Spring

Consider the following: There was a single family that lived in a vast land. In the center of the land was a …

beach ocean shore depths water sun ocean

Consider the following: There were three men that lived in an arid land, far from any body of water. They had heard …

kingdom fireworks jesus christ savior

Kingdom Come pt. 1

As a child that grew up in a Sunday school classroom where I would hear Bible story after Bible story, I was …

god christ kingdom lion lamb heaven spirit Jesus

Mysteries of the Kingdom

One of the incredible things about humans is our bright minds and imaginations. With such things we have come to find ourselves …