A man must deny,
His own worldly nature.
He must die to himself,
To become something greater.
The place of the skull,
Is where death must occur.
For sweat of the brow,
Is from Adam’s curse.
Let the patterns that rule,
Your mind everyday,
Be transformed and renewed,
Into a heavenly state.
The fruit of the Spirit,
Love, peace, joy and kindness.
The riches bestowed,
Are more precious than diamonds.
Jesus said it Himself,
Clean inside of the cup.
The whole cup becomes clean,
Cleaning inside’s enough.
Let the heart be restored,
And become like a child’s.
Remember when each face,
You saw made you smile?
Jesus said it Himself,
Of the least that you see,
If you did it to one of them,
Then you did it to me.
I pray we remember,
We feel, sense, and see.
That Christ is in all,
He’s in you. He’s in me.